Renewable energy transition actors│New renewable energy projects

Spotlight: The Largest Solar Project in Africa Paid Members Public
The $4 billion project is a cornerstone of Egypt's renewable energy drive, attracting significant international investment and materially reducing carbon emissions.

Spotlight: African companies cultivating a sustainable future Paid Members Public
This article highlights five African companies leveraging innovation to drive recycling, environmental sustainability and community empowerment.

Is gas harmful to Africa's net zero goals? Paid Members Public
While natural gas can serve as a bridge fuel, it may also hinder net zero initiatives.

Solar cold storage: A solution to Africa's post-harvest loss Paid Members Public
In many African countries, almost 50% of total agricultural produce is lost or damaged before reaching the final consumer.

Bloomberg commits $242m for Africa's clean energy transition Paid Members Public
Michael R. Bloomberg announced the investment at the Sustainable Energy for All Forum in Kigali. The investment will help accelerate clean energy transition in Africa and other developing countries.

How the NECAL2050 can be leveraged to drive Nigeria's climate goals Paid Members Public
The Energy Commission of Nigeria recently launched the 2nd edition of Nigeria's energy emission calculator (NECAL2050).

Italy seeks alternatives to Russian gas dependence Paid Members Public
Italy's government is negotiating with Algeria and Libya to establish a renewable energy agreement and to increase Algeria's gas supplies to Italy.

5 notable things from Nigeria's climate change act Paid Members Public
In November 2021, President Muhammadu Buhari signed the Climate Change Act.