Two West African countries to invest in nuclear energy

Nigeria and Ghana have committed to diversifying their energy mix to include nuclear energy.

AbdulAzeez Hussein FullyGreen

Ghana intends to leverage its partnership with the US Department of State under the Foundational Infrastructure for Responsible use of Small Modular Reactor Technology (FIRST) to construct its first nuclear power plant. The FIRST program is a US capacity-building initiative meant to promote strategic ties, support energy innovation, and advance technical collaboration with partner nations on secure and safe nuclear energy infrastructure.

The US Department of State has invested $7.3 million to support FIRST projects worldwide, and the program has supported other partner countries with capacity building and financial assistance. In related events, the Nigerian government has begun the bidding process for the construction of a 4,000-MW nuclear power facility in the country. If successful in bidding and construction, the project is expected to be large, increasing the country's power generation capacity.

Nigeria's government has signed agreements with Russia, France, Pakistan, and South Korea o train its personnel in nuclear plant management, easing concerns about the country's ability to operate nuclear power plants. Meanwhile, the US Department of State will continue to assist Ghana in exploring its resources and providing technical assistance through project design, evaluation, and collaboration. The program would provide Ghanaians with clean energy, water, and agricultural sector development.

Renewable energyNews Articles

AbdulAzeez Hussein


